Who We Are
Our vision is to grow, preserve, and give without boundaries. Discover the opportunities and culture of Choggiung Limited.

Our Story
Choggiung Limited is a village corporation formed under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA). Owned by its shareholders, Choggiung is the largest village corporation in the Bristol Bay region. Choggiung’s family of shareholders has grown from its initial enrollment of 1,049 to more than 2,400 as a result of inheritance and gifting.
We are Yup’ik and Aleut people with ancestral ties to this unique land, known for its abundance of salmon, in Southwest Alaska for thousands of years. Choggiung derived its name from “Curyung”, a Yup’ik word loosely translated as the point where the clean and muddy waters meet. This was the name given to the point of land, later known as Dillingham, which provided access to both the Wood and Nushagak Rivers.

Our Vision
To grow, preserve, and give without boundaries.
Our Mission
To be a profitable corporation ensuring current and future shareholder benefits as we protect our land and respect our people and heritage.
Our Values
At Choggiung Ltd., we hold dear the values of integrity, fairness, courage, responsibility, and respect for Alaska Native Culture, which form the cornerstone of our mission and guide every aspect of our operations and our shareholders.

Respect for our Alaska Native Culture