Contact Choggiung
Reach out to Choggiung Ltd. Shareholder Services, Land Department, and Subsidiaries.

Contact us
For Shareholder Services and general inquires, please contact us below or using the form on this page.
Departmental Contacts
Shareholder Resources
Please use the following contact methods for our Shareholder Resources team.
Land Department
For Choggiung Ltd. Land related inquires, including leasing, permitting, special permitting, woodcutting, boundaries, and more, please contact our Land Department. You may also apply for general permits online with the link below.
Annual Voting & Proxy Support
If a shareholder requires support regarding voting, please contact Sramek-Hightower CPAs, Choggiung Ltd. contractor for election management and tabulation. Proxies can be sent to Sramek-Hightower CPAs during our voting period.