Voting Information

Shareholder Voting

Learn about the voting process, timelines, and proxy information.

Choggiung board of directors group photo

Choggiung Votes!

Each Year, Choggiung Shareholders have the opportunity to cast their votes for three board members and questions related to the policy at Choggiung. The voting period is annually between August and September, and concludes before the annual shareholder meeting in Dillingham.

All proxies submitted by Monday, September 23, 2024 by 5:00 p.m., Alaska Time will be eligible for cash prize drawings. The EARLY BIRD proxy submission deadline is Friday, September 6, 2024 by 5:00 p.m. Written and electronic submissions are eligible for cash prize drawings.  Prize winners will be announced during the meeting and shared via following the meeting.

For more information regarding the voting process, please contact Choggiung or Choggiung’s Proxy Ballot Tabulators, Sramek-Hightower CPAs.

Proxy Vote Contact Information
907-561-4341 (Fax Only)
P.O. Box 240569, Anchorage, Alaska 99524

Meet Your Choggiung Management Team

Choggiung Limited is governed by a Board of Directors made up of nine shareholders holding voting rights in the corporation. Terms of office are three years with terms rotating and three directors being elected annually by our shareholders.


Board of Directors, with three elected each year


Employees including Choggiung Ltd. and our subsidiaries

President and CEO of Choggiung Ltd posing for a photo standing in a professional manner.

Integrity · Fairness · Responsibility

Courage · Respect For Alaska Native Culture