Our Lands

Our Lands

Learn about Choggiung, Ltd. land and acquire a land use permit with our Land Department.

Choggiung Lands

In December 1971, Congress enacted the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA). Under ANCSA, Choggiung, a native village corporation, received 161,280 acres of land in encompassing the greater Dillingham area and extending to Lake Nunavaugaluk, Silver Salmon Creek on the Dillingham Aleknagik Road, Muklung Hills, and land along the banks of the Nushagak River to Black Point.

After merging with Ekuk and Ohgsenakle (Portage Creek) villages, Choggiung’s land base was increased by an additional 138,240 acres in the area from Black Point to the confluence of the Iowithla and Nushagak River, encompassing land surrounding the village of Ekuk to Etolin Point and the mouths of the Snake and Igushik River to Nichols Hills.

Choggiung generally allows the use of its lands by shareholders and non-shareholders for subsistence and recreational activities such as berry picking, hunting, hiking and camping.  However, the land area west of the Wood River including the Snake Lake area is restricted. This restriction applies to persons falling within Category III restricting them from hunting of big game (moose and caribou). For questions, please contact the Choggiung Land Department.

Wood cutting is also permitted by shareholders, limiting harvest to dead or fallen spruce. We ask those that use our land to use it with consideration and respect.

A serene landscape showcasing a towering mountain with lush green slopes under a clear blue sky, flanked by dense forests and a calm lake in the foreground.
(907) 531-4026
104 Main Street, Suite 201, Dillingham, AK 99576-0330

Which permit is right for you?

Land-Use Permit

General land use permit for activities including hunting, camping, fishing, hiking, and more. Online applications for this permit are coming soon.

Contact to Apply

Snake Lake Boat Launch

Apply for daily, seasonal, or annual use of the Snake Lake Boat Launch.

Contact to Apply

Woodcutting Permit

Shareholder woodcutting permit for personal, non-commercial use.

Contact to Apply

Integrity · Fairness · Responsibility

Courage · Respect For Alaska Native Culture